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Scholarship Thank You Letter

If you have been a recipient of some scholarship then it is must that you express your gratitude towards the scholarship donors for such a thoughtful gesture. These people are generous souls who offer financial assistance to children [...]

Sorry Letter Sample

We all make mistakes. But what makes us a better person is realizing these mistakes and apologizing for the same. If you have done something for which you are feeling sorry, writing a sorry letter is a wonderful [...]

We all have made thousands of mistakes in our lives and our parents have forgiven us with a smile on their faces. This is so because as kids we have always made the first move for telling them [...]

Sorry Letter to Daughter From Dad

The relationship between a daughter and her dad is one of the most beautiful associations. A daughter is like a princess for her father and to her, her father is like a hero. But sometimes due to some [...]

Sorry Letter to a Girl You Love

When we are in love, we often end up hurting the girl we love the most. Sometimes it is because of situational factors and sometimes because of our actions and reactions; we end up messing our love life. [...]

Sorry Letter to Mom and Dad

The first relationship that a child has is with his parents and there is no doubt that this is the most beautiful relationship in the world. But at times it happens that there are some misunderstandings or unfulfilled [...]

Sorry Letter to Teacher

Teachers play an important role in our lives. They introduce us to the world, teach us new things and make us polished individuals. But in the midst of all of that they do, we often end up being [...]

Sample Sorry Letter to Wife

We all make mistakes and there is nothing wrong in it. But we must learn to apologize for our mistakes. If you have also hurt your wife by making some stupid mistake then you can always make up [...]

Sorry Letter to Girlfriend

When you are in love, you feel like you are on cloud number 9. In case you have hurt your girlfriend then you feel miserable as she is the love of your life and you never want to [...]

Sorry Letter to Boss

Be it professional or personal life, we all make mistakes but only few know how to repair such damages at the earliest. Acknowledging your mistake and asking for forgiveness is the best way to sort out the situation. [...]