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Compliment Letter for Bank Staff

We all visit banks for various reasons but it is rare that we experience a wonderful service from the staff. It doesn’t happen often that the bank staff is able to surpass our expectations and when such a [...]

Sample Compliment Letter for Staff

If you have visited some store or hotel and you have been attended with amazing service then you must write a compliment letter for the staff. Complimenting is a sweet gesture which infuses a person with greater zeal [...]

Compliment Letter to Employee

Complimenting your employee for performing his job in a great manner is very important. It is very much essential for motivating your employees to work with greater energy and focus. This is very effective in infusing the staff [...]

Customer Feedback Request Email

Customer feedback is very important for the growth of the organization. It gives a clear picture of how the company is performing. It is one of the best ways to have an understanding of the areas where your [...]

Interview Feedback Request Letter Sample

Not getting selected in an interview is surely a big disappointment for anyone but then taking a lesson from your mistakes it not something that everyone does. If you have failed in cracking an interview then you must [...]

Performance Feedback Request Email

Every year, especially at the time of appraisal, performance review is done. This is essential because it brings clarity in the growth in performance of an individual. If you also feel that you have improved over a period [...]

Feedback Request Letter After Interview

If you have not been able to crack an interview then you must work hard to find out the areas where you need to improve so that you don’t fail the next time. To do that, you must [...]

Sample 360 Degree Feedback Request Letter

360 degree feedback is the smart technique to have a complete view of the performance of an individual in a company by involving his seniors, juniors and co-workers in the process. Such kind of a review is done [...]

Customer Feedback Request Letter

Feedbacks from customers are essential for any company. They are useful for improvising on your product offerings and services. As the manager of the company, it is important for you to know how must satisfied or upset your [...]

360 Degree Feedback Request Email

360 degree feedback is a very important system in management which is used for receiving confidential feedback from co-workers, superiors and juniors who work around a person. The idea is get a 360 degree view of the performance [...]