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Acknowledgment Letter for Receiving Donation Amount, Sample format

When you have received donation from any source then it is extremely important that you write an acknowledgment letter. It is not just for acknowledging the amount received but it is also a donation thank you letter. It [...]

Acknowledgment Letter for Cheque Received, Letter Format sample

Letter of Acknowledgement For Cheque Received

When your customer makes the payment in form of a cheque, you are suppose to send a formal acknowledgement of payment received which can be a payment received confirmation letter. Such letters are quite simple and need to [...]

Acknowledgement Letter Format for Money Receipt, Sample Acknowledgement Letter

Format for Acknowledgement Letter for Money Receipt

Formally, whenever you receive payment or money from your customer or client, it is important to send acknowledgement receipt of full payment. You can even write an acknowledgment letter for receipt of money or a simple thank you [...]

Sample format Salary slip Request Letter to HR Manager

Salary slip is an important document for every employee. You can need them various purposes like income tax return or for loan purpose. If you are also in need of your salary slips then writing a request letter [...]

How to write a delegation letter

How to Write an Effective Delegation Letter

The purpose of writing a delegation letter is to officially inform the delegate of his duties and responsibilities, terms and conditions in relation with the job he has been delegated with. A delegation letter is usually written by [...]

Encouragement sample Letter to My Little Sister

If you have a younger sister then time and again you will come across situations when you will feel that she needs your encouragement to move ahead in life. And then it is your duty to motivate her, [...]

Life is never smooth. It is a mixed bag- with moments of happiness and sadness, success and failure, smooth and tough times. At difficult times, you want someone who can motivate you to stand up again and face [...]

Sample letter of encouragement to my son

As a parent, it is your duty to appreciate and encourage your son. There are times that a few words of encouragement can give him all the power and energy to work with more dedication and force to [...]

Sample Letter Format to Delegate Authority in Absence

We cannot always be present at work as at different times we have to take leave from office for something more important. But because of that we cannot let the work suffer. Therefore, to make sure that everything [...]

Sample Letter Encouragement to Motivate Employees and Team Members format

It is the duty of the manager or the team leader to always appreciate and encourage the employees for their performance. Few words of encouragement have stronger impact in comparison with monetary benefits. So if you want that [...]