Performance Feedback Request Letter

9 years ago

Every person desires to deliver the best performance but just performing is not enough. You also need to know how…

Feedback Request Email to Manager

9 years ago

Feedbacks are very important as they help you know the areas where you need to grow and also the areas…

Feedback Request Email to Client

9 years ago

Whether you are in business or in job, keeping your client happy and satisfied is one of the most important…

Interview Feedback Request Email

9 years ago

While looking for a job, it is needless to waste your time going for numerous interviews and ending up with…

Application Approval Letter Sample

9 years ago

If some candidate has applied in your organization for some kind of job or your present employee has submitted a…

Sample Approval Letter For Purchase

9 years ago

In an organization, various kinds of needs emerge from time to time. But before purchasing anything important, a request is…

Sample Approval Letter For Thesis

9 years ago

If you are working on your thesis and you need to include work of some artist or some author in…

Approval Letter For Training

9 years ago

If you are working with a company and you are planning to enroll yourself for some training which is going…

Contract Approval Letter

9 years ago

If some company has submitted quotations of products or services or has shown some kind of interest in offering your…

How to Write an Approval Letter

9 years ago

The purpose of writing an approval letter is to respond to the request made by someone. Usually in the professional…